ASIL B vs ASIL D Operating System – What is the difference?

What is the difference between an operating system that is ASIL B Compliant vs ASIL D Compliant? What does an ASIL D Operating System additionally need to provide in terms of “features” compared to an ASIL B Operating System? Let us keep aside the process aspects of ASIL B vs ASIL D development and focus only on the technical aspects. To keep the focus on Safety, we have discussed in the context of RTOSs and not HPC OSs. Irrespective of the ASIL level that needs to be achieved by an Operating System, there are some basic aspects that an RTOS needs to provide such as: High availability and reliability - Guaranteed and correct execution of Safety tasks Maximum Performance - minimal latencies for interrupts, events, tasks etc Guaranteed Isolation of Safety related processes and its memory Guaranteed freedom from Interference (FFI) for Safety related tasks/threads Safe and reliable inter-process/inter-task/inter-thread communication Error handling related to Application’s use of the OS and...